I’ve been writing like hell lately: the month of September has been my most prodigious and voluminous month, coming in at 27 posts. That’s almost one a day. I also enjoyed the most traffic I’ve everhad in the history of The Obtuse Observations of a Wistful Writer (aside from some off days that were likely spikes due to misreporting). I pushed myself throughout the whole month with writing exercises and simply writing a boatload of content. One of the things a writer should do is well, write. Create, write, revise, and then write some more. Then when you think you’re done, write even more. Of course this all took its toll. I knew this success wouldn’t last. Between the blog, my academic workload, and my increasing efforts to work through my novel (amongst many other things), I’ve basically burnt out. I’ve decided to take a break from the blog. Not that I won’t still update, but I’ll probably limit myself to the weekly post. In the meantime, I’ll be diverting my creative energies towards my novel.