[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2X9sUh2PWo&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0] The video in itself is not what's important. Rather, go view the comments. Or don't. It's a painful experience. Here's a sample of what I'm talking about... What, do you think this Annis going to think you're such a nice guy, that she's going to send you a message over YouTube?wow ur cute…
My Dell 2408WPF
This one's gonna be a quick one. I got my Dell 2408WPF 24" monitor today. Got it all nice and set up, now it's my primary, with my old Samsung 906BW (2ms GTG TN panel). Everything is awesome aboutthe monitor. Sure, there's that very slight lag that has been reported. But I think that it's…
Mall cop meets Taxi Driver? No way.
New York Times Movie Review - Observe and Report (2009) [PDF] I haven't seen Observe and Report yet. But just reading that this guy was inspired by Taxi Driver....oh marone...The New York Times reviewsays, "Mr. Hill says his movie was inspired by “Taxi Driver,” a self-flattering comparison." Self-flattering is quite right. I don't see how…
Be courteous to your date
[scrippet] INT. PALANTINE HEADQUARTERS - DAY TRAVIS scuffles with Tom. He talks to Betsy. TRAVIS Why won't you talk to me? Why won't you answer my calls when I call? You think I don't knowyou're here? You think I don't know? You think I don't know? I just want you to know that I know…
The Internet is replacing parents
[scrippet] INT. HOME IN THE SUBURBS - AFTERNOON - 1953 Johnny, 13 years old, an all-American kid. He's just found out about girls, and he's having a bout of puppy love. Johnny comes home from school.His mother lets him have a couple of fresh baked cookies and a glass of milk. A couple of hours…