There's a reason I like Holden Caulfield. There's a reason I absolutely love The Catcher in the Rye. It's because I identify with Holden on so many levels. And just like Holden, in the midst of myloneliness and the sentiment of preserving innocence, I too find myself toying with the idea devoting myself to a…
Reliability is a virtue. Being reliable is something I strive for. I am for the most part that one person you can always rely on. If I say I will do something, it will be done. I'm like a hammer:I'll always be sitting in the toolbox, and when you're ready to hammer something, you know…
The Art of Typewriting
There is something lovely about seeing typewritten pages. The type that doesn't have corrective tape on it. You get to see all the little mistakes, the X'd out letters. When you read something that'sbeen typed on a typewriter, there's just something special about it...the words have more presence. Somehow, the sheet of paper has more…
Writing is not a part-time job
I recently found an excellent job opportunity. Great pay, excellent environment, and (probably) good job satisfaction. I'd be working in an upscale environment. The catch? In all likelihood it wouldbe quite busy and harried. A couple of weeks ago I had a breakthrough in my writing (I'll try to finish up that piece). It was…
Bespoke suit fun
As you all know, I got my bespoke suit recently. I've been wearing it everywhere since then, including today, when I went to class. And yes, I know I've been talking about my bespoke suit every chanceI get, but really...I can't get over just how nice it is. Unbelievable comfort intertwined with a handsome and…