The journey finding my bespoke suit was a long one. You can read all three previous parts here: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV It was seven weeks ago when I first went to Michael Andrews Bespoke. It was seven weeks ago that I entered the promised land of fine clothing, a place…
Settling in with Thesis – More on this premium WordPress theme
I believe I've spent about four days or so with Thesis, maybe longer, time is a blur in my mind at the moment. After trying to customize my copy of Thesis, here are my further impressions. I justwant to point out that outside of Thesis, customization is easily done. I am spending hours and hours…
All dressed up with nowhere to go
Today is the day that I brought home my bespoke suit. I'll write about that later (it'll be part five of the series). Anyway, while I was picking up my suit, I was invited to a party held by Four Hundred,apparently a concierge service. After taking a look at the invite, I was sure that…
In atonement for my youthful sins of immaturity
As I so often do, yesterday evening I took a moment to reflect on my life a little. Sometimes my thoughts will veer towards more recent events that have transpired, and sometimes they will wander a littlefarther. This time, I traveled seven years back into my past. Of course, my memory is not that of…
An empty stage
These days, friends are in short supply. People my age don't suddenly start making good friends. Your best friends come from your youth, from days before all the bullshit, the people who knew you beforeyou turned into who you are today. It's a shame how my friends keep dropping away, one by one. It's disheartening…