The lyrics to Wally Wiggins Sweeter Than Sweet, a beautiful song from the 50's that I discovered through Cool Bobby B's Doo-Wop Stop on Sirius XM
One Paid Hour
Having too much time on my hands and a need to be fulfilled, I was wandering the streets of Manhattan when I decided that I would do something about my unfulfilled desires... [Originally drafted on 5 April 2012]
Third Time’s A Charm: My third bespoke suit from Michael Andrews Bespoke
After discovering the world of bespoke clothing, I sought out a reputable place who could do my sartorial bidding. Well, that's a little nefarious-sounding. Really, I was looking for a place to develop my personal image and to hone my sartorial skills. Ultimately, I settled in at Michael Andrews Bespoke. Ever since late 2009, when…
On Good Fiction (and learning from other first-timers)
While watching a program about lions on the Smithsonian Channel, I happened upon an article in a the Daily News paper lying on my coffee table. The article was about a Queens novelist's first-time novel.It grabbed my attention immediately. As an aspiring novelist myself, these things are of great concern to me, and doubly so…
This Asexual Agnostic's Comforting Token
Adherents to religion find comfort in a variety of things. When life is at its most trying, they can pray to their God. They can find comfort in their respective religious symbols. Many Christians weara cross on their neck. When the going gets rough, they can find comfort in that token, for it reminds them…