To Tell A Love Story With Card Magic

"Many people believe that there is such a thing as fate, especially when it comes to matters of the heart," the magician said. He was sitting in front of a friend of his, a married woman. "Think backtothe day that you and your husband were married. Didn't you feel that ecstatic feeling that the two…

A Very Personal Novel

It has been ages since I have written here, and the reason is that I felt that much of my creative energy was better spent working on my novel. However, I came to reacquaint myself with the reason thatIstarted this blog to begin with: to document my intellectual journey, to document the reasoning behind the…

Bittersweet: A Love Story – Part One

After five years, I have finally begun work on this roman à clef as an exercise to get me back into writing condition, the same way a boxer or weightlifter gets into shape after a hiatus. It took me a huge portion of my day just to write the 3,300 words here, partly because it…