Okay, so I posted that last post late. I had made that resolution to stay away from online dating before the New Year. And of course, being the lily livered hopeless romantic I am, I broke that resolution.Hey, did you really expect me to stay away from the prospect of finding everlasting love? To be…
My Never Ending Love-Hate Relationship With Online Dating
As we all know, I've had a very interesting relationship with the concept of online dating. On one hand, it is an ideal way for a person like me to screen women for whether or not they deserve my effortsat all. On the other hand, the response rates for males is absurdly low compared to…
Thoughts on a so-called education in the English subject
For six weeks, I attended a course entitled 'Introduction to Literature Study'. I had high hopes for the class. Being an aspiring novelist, I felt that taking the class would somehow open my eyes to the literary form in such a way that would improve my writing. Unfortunately, in those six weeks, I learned very…
Contentions With Studying Poetry
Poetry is supposed to be appreciated. Good poetry invokes an emotion, it paints a picture with words in your heart that no image can. Good poetry is supposed to be read and enjoyed. But what about whenit comes to studying it? I must say that the study of poetry is by and large a farce.…
Skeeter Davis – My Sweet Loving Man [Lyrics]
You don't have to be As strong as the mighty Atlas You don't have to hold The world in your hand All you have to do To make your baby love you Is just be yourself My sweet loving man You don't have to be As handsome as Elvis Presley You don't have to change…