Palm Pre: everything you ever wanted to know – Engadget
Finally, Palm comes out with a new device. It looks rather promising. I have always been imagining the perfect device that combines both a portrait-orientedQWERTY keyboard (I can’t stand the landscape ones like that on the T-Mobile Dash) and a touch screen. Now, the Palm Treo 750 had a great form factor, but its OS was dated, performance was slow and unresponsive, and the screen resolution was terrible.
I think this new Palm device does even better than the Treo. With a slide-out full QWERTY (not like the Pearl…ugh), it allows for a far more expansive screen. I still like Apple’s design better: a simple slab. But we will see. After all, function over form I say.
I’m definitely keeping my eye out for this one. With GPS and 3G, its a strong contender for my dollars, up against the BlackBerry Bold.