In the past few summer months, I have been struggling with my novel. Largely due to my inability to focus—a curse bestowed upon me by the cruel mistress of insomnia—and partially due to my intellectual stagnation that came about from idling in my room doing nothing but mindlessly consuming intellectually vacuous movies and television shows…
The Dying American Marriage: A Short Discourse On Dissenting Opinions On Monogamy
The American marriage narrative, for the longest time, has gone something like this: John meets Mary, most likely in college or through work. John likes Mary, so he asks her out. Mary likes John, so she agrees to go on a date with him. After several dates, John and Mary decide to go steady. That…
Third Time’s A Charm: My third bespoke suit from Michael Andrews Bespoke
After discovering the world of bespoke clothing, I sought out a reputable place who could do my sartorial bidding. Well, that's a little nefarious-sounding. Really, I was looking for a place to develop my personal image and to hone my sartorial skills. Ultimately, I settled in at Michael Andrews Bespoke. Ever since late 2009, when…
On the Modern Affairs of a Writer
Every writer dreams of striking it rich, to make his or her mark on the world. Every writer hopes to develop a following and to become financially independent so that one can pursue one's craft withoutthe distractions of rent and bills (and maybe to buy a yacht). One writer achieved this level of success. His…
On 'The Way of the Superior Man'
I recently became aware of a book by David Deida entitled The Way of the Superior Man. I've skimmed the book and it seems to be very much the sort of things that I would write if I were to compile abook of advice on male-female interaction. As a longtime student of the seduction community,…