I have a saying: pretty is ordinary, beauty is common, and true beauty can only be found in the heart. You see, Jennifer Aniston is pretty, Angelina Jolie is pretty. I'll even say that Sofía Vergara is beautiful. But for a woman to attain true beauty in my eyes, she must have a radiant personality.…
My Never Ending Love-Hate Relationship With Online Dating
As we all know, I've had a very interesting relationship with the concept of online dating. On one hand, it is an ideal way for a person like me to screen women for whether or not they deserve my effortsat all. On the other hand, the response rates for males is absurdly low compared to…
A Suitable Second: My second suit from Michael Andrews Bespoke
This is the (long awaited and long overdue) second part to my second experience buying a bespoke suit from Michael Andrews Bespoke. Read the first part here. Six weeks passed since I had ordered anothersuit from Michael Andrews Bespoke. Being an impatient man, the entire wait was painful. Six weeks on the dot, I got…
On the Film Inception and The Merits of Art
Finally, Inception has come out on home video. I enjoyed watching it the second time as much as I did my first viewing in the theater. With that said, I find that this is one of the most over-analyzedfilms in recent times. As I've written previously, the film is very good, but ultimately is not…
A Suitable Second: Seeking sartorial satisfaction at Michael Andrews Bespoke
Nearly a year later, I am still completely in love with my first bespoke suit from Michael Andrews Bespoke. I still talk about it to anybody who'll listen. I still look at it admiringly. I still feelhappy with it. I can't spend a single day without it, and when I am forced to, it pains…