On Casual Sex: The Difficulties of Promiscuity

This is a companion piece to my earlier reaction to Sex at Dawn. View the previous piece here. If our prehistoric forebears' freely and casually sexually promiscuous ways were influenced by theirhunter-gatherer existence, then our modern sexual behavior is influenced by our agricultural roots. As covered in my previous piece, the advent of agriculture could…

On 'Sex At Dawn' (or Why casual sex doesn't work)

Sex at Dawn, a new book discussing the prehistoric origins of human sexual behavior, seems to suggest that we should relax our moral standards in order to allow for varying arrangements and configurationsof relationships in an attempt to relieve stress and to better everyone's lives. While free love for all seems like a good idea…

On Monogamy and Marriage

The union of a man and a woman as husband and wife - otherwise known as marriage, matrimony, and getting hitched (amongst other names) - is a very popular type of relationship that many American adults look forward to. When a man loves a woman, and she loves him back, doing "the right thing" often…

On Knowledge and Education

True understanding requires true education and true knowledge. There are those who would assume their competence in the form of academia, with superficial knowledge of theories and concepts. Others attemptto command a higher status by demanding their credentials be observed and respected. These are the types who lack true knowledge and understanding. Many people are…