Nearly a year later, I am still completely in love with my first bespoke suit from Michael Andrews Bespoke. I still talk about it to anybody who'll listen. I still look at it admiringly. I still feelhappy with it. I can't spend a single day without it, and when I am forced to, it pains…
Reflections on a hot day
"Do you think we'll get there by eleven?" I asked. "Yeah, if there's no traffic," he said hopefully. I liked him. Livery drivers mostly arrive in a Lincoln Town Car. Usually, it'sa glossy black. Sometimes, it's white (I think those are ugly). But today, I was riding in a nice SUV. They normally cost…
A new microsite for film
So, I decided that I would start a new section of my blog. It is entitled A Discourse on Film and Cinema. Mostly, this was a decision driven by my desire to have aesthetic variety. While I enjoy thecurrent blog design of The Obtuse Observations of a Wistful Writer - what with its nifty pulpy…
Summer wedding at South Beach
Yesterday, I went to my estranged cousin's wedding. Due to my parents, we were late and ended up missing the actual marriage ceremony, something I deeply wanted to be present for. Instead, we made itjust for the food and left shortly thereafter. Quite rude if you ask me. Anyway, as we all know, I am…
Progress on a work in progress
Remember how I said that I used my screenplay as a blueprint for my novel? Well, that screenplay was never finished. I first started it in order to enter a contest that I was made aware of as my positionas founder of a screenwriting group on Facebook. The idea of having a real shot at…