I gotta find a date for Saturday night I gotta get a girl and I gotta do it right I gotta find someone to make my own I gotta go where we'll be all alone I gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta Get a date for Saturday night Saturday night Let me tell you a bit…
The Genealogy Of A Novel: A Ten-Year Retrospective
One morning, I was eating a well-buttered English muffin topped with apple butter and sipping a very milky mug of Irish tea. I hate eating without having anything to do; I have to be doing something, be it reading a magazine or a a website or watching a television show. I decided to search for one of my old online handles, and it eventually led me to a memory of Livejournal, which led me to search for the PDF archive of my journal. Luckily, I knew exactly where it was: safe and secure in my Dropbox.
Terry Miller – Sweet Loving [Lyrics]
Sweet, sweet loving Sweet, sweet loving Sweet, sweet loving Sweet loving is the spice of life Each man should find himself a wife A pretty girl that he can call his own And look forward towithpeace at home With lots of Sweet, sweet loving Sweet, sweet loving Ever since the day the world began Each…
A Thought: Why I bother writing my novel
I had a long lazy lull in throughout July and most of this month, rarely even finding the least bit of inspiration or desire to look at my novel. In the past number of days, I have again picked up the art of writing and began to work on my novel again. I finally cracked…
On The Mixing of Mainstream Science and Private Lives
Lately, I have been thinking about some of the modern debates that reside outside of politics, and two debates that came to mind are those revolving around religion and monogamy. In both cases, you have those who are seemingly on the side of science, and those on the other side who defend the status quo…