I’m glad to say that I’ve just finished the outline to my screenplay. I’m excited that I’ve got the framework. Now I can begin on fleshing it all out. One thing I’m concerned about though is thatit might turn out badly. Though some movies like Taxi Driver, One Hour Photo, Falling Down, and Pickpocket have had a huge influence, the last thing I want is for someone to see my movie (provided that it will ever be made) and say, “Oh, that’s just Taxi Driver and One Hour Photo put together.”
Anyway, I shouldn’t worry too much. A movie should be good on its own merits, regardless of what it is similar to. After reading this review on Death Sentence, I think the important thing is this: don’t be a blatant ripoff, and have your own style.
Anyway, I’ve written the character description and mapped out the basic psychological profile. I’m pretty much set. I enjoyed using Celtx. They had a whole template for creating the character, including full name, physical description, likes/dislikes, and habits. I wish they had an outline template: I ended up just using the text file template under Screenplay.The battery life on the MacBook is pretty good. I have to say that I think that it somehow outperforms my IBM X41 Tablet PC. Then again, it’s been a very long time since I’ve purchased it and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s simply the fact that the battery is worn out.All in all, I’m getting back into the groove. I think I’ll write a little bit on how I get started on writing a screenplay later. In the meantime, it’s time to get back to keeping my head down and those fingers moving. No silly sex jokes please.