[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=newark,+new+jersey&daddr=Philadelphia,+PA+to:Maspeth,+New+York,+NY&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=39.53794,-73.531494&sspn=4.549176,9.569092&ie=UTF8&ll=40.29809,-74.536825&spn=0.87498,1.27061&output=embed&s=AARTsJoJMNRqhBCxDzBunKEg_4GjW-vJQg&w=425&h=350]
12/08/2008 16:15:00 DEPARTURE SCAN[I] LOUISVILLE, KY, US
12/08/2008 18:08:00 ARRIVAL SCAN[I] NEWARK, NJ, US
12/09/2008 00:10:00 ARRIVAL SCAN[I] PHILADELPHIA, PA, US
12/10/200802:35:00 ARRIVAL SCAN[I] MASPETH, NY, US
It seems to me that UPS kinda dropped the ball there. They sent it from Kentucky to New Jersey. Now, I’m terribly geographically challenged, so I had to look it up on Google Maps just to be sure. Sure enough, New Jersey is closer to me than Pennsylvania. By a huge margin. I’m aware that there are logistics issues, such as air freight versus ground shipping and all that other nonsense that I know nothing about. But today, I received my Corsair Dominator RAM (which is actually better than the RAM that came with my Blackbird 002 since it ships at 3-4-3-9 @ 2.4V versus 4-4-4-12 @2.1V).
The thing is, I am 99% sure that I’ve seen packages that came from Kentucky before. I’ve seen them push my package from KY to PA, then to NJ, then finally to Maspeth, NY and then to my home. All of those cities are familiar to me as part of the UPS route. But why they sent it from Newark, only twenty miles away from Maspeth, all the way to Philadelphia is anyone’s guess. That’s a whole 91 miles away. Then it has to trek back to Maspeth from Philedelphia, which is a 102 mile trip.The bottom line is that they got it delivered to me within the 3-day select speed, so I’m not going to make a fuss of it. It was expected for tomorrow, but luckily I was home. Right now, my Das Keyboard was sitting in Parsippany, New Jersey but is now in Maspeth.I have a new UPS guy. He seems less well put together. His uniform was disheveled, and he seemed…well, unorganized. Maybe he’s new. My old UPS guy was very quick with everything. Rang the door bell, I sign for the package, the whole transaction was smooth. This new guy, I had to wait from him to work the thing that they use to get your electronic signature. Plus I saw how he used the handtruck to load up a whole bunch of smaller packages. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but it would seem to make sense. That way he wouldn’t have to go back and forth from the truck. Maybe he’s new and therefore more hardworking.
Who knows. But I like that he delivers at roughly 1400 hours. The other UPS guy used to wait until 1845 hours to 1900 hours. I’m impatient.