Her hair was elegant in its dark simplicity. Silken, it bounced youthfully and cheerily just above her shoulders. I was walking past a large corporate media building in Manhattan with my brother. Mymouth moved in conversation, but my eyes were drawn to hers. Set into a pretty face, pale and smooth, were a pair of…
Online dating is a real sham
Okay, so CraigsList is full of spammers. But what about other more legitimate dating sites? The ones that cost money? Surely the cost of joining one must weed out a lot of people who aren't serious about dating. I'm sure that it does. But it doesn't really help. See, the problem with online dating is…
Oh, he's not my type…
The crony steps up and jabs the bat at the tall man's head, knocking him to the ground. The tall muscular man has been felled, now on his knees. He is crying now, begging for his life. How many times have you heard one half of a couple say, "It's really weird because you know…
Speed dating is destructive
Speed dating is a ritual in which people have anywhere from three to ten minutes to engage in conversation. Men and women come together for the sole purpose of meeting for a date. A common setup involves the women sitting along the edge of circular seating arrangement or against the wall. The men will rotate…
An old man is on the streets. To many, the pleas and begging are an annoyance, something to ignore and avoid. Most cannot even look at the dull gray eyes or the long strands of gray and white that frame the sunken cheek bones and the weathered face. His voice is a little coarse, but…