I have had an issue with iChat ever since I got my MacBook Air last year. I usually don't bother going on forums to ask for answers as I end up figuring it out for myself. But I was stumped. I endedup on the Apple forums. It wasn't much help. Today, on my new 27-inch…
Tommy Roe – Sensations [Lyrics]
Sensations, That's what I get when I'm near you You're my greatest temptation Darling you, you, you
A broken record
In the wee morning hours, with nothing better to do, I started re-reading a number of my older posts. It's funny how I am pretty much a broken record. It's not so much that I haven't had anythingnew to say. My observations on relationships and such are always growing and developing with new information. But…
Protected: A radical notion for fans of novels
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
That special lady
It's damn nearly 6AM and I can't fall asleep. And it's when I can't fall asleep that I my mind starts wandering into dangerous territory. I started wondering about whether or not I'll ever findthat special lady, whether or not I'll ever find the right woman to marry...all sorts of bad things. I've already written…